A catalyst for connecting you with the source of your own creative power… for all those who desire to live as a conscious creator of your art, your life, and the world you dare to dream of.


Artists ~ Creative Spirits ~ Curious Souls

Join us LIVE - every other week - on ZOOM for

SOUL-to-SOUL Sessions 

1st & 3rd Friday of the Month from 7:30-9:30 am EST/USA ~ 12:30-2:30 pm UK

A monthly meet-up for support, personal growth, healing & creative self-expression. Build connection community.

In this world of 8+ billion people - why do so many of us feel alone?

A big question, with a complex answer...which largely comes down to dis-connection. With our own full, unleashed self...and with the deeper yearnings for life we sense down in our soul.

Our goal is to deepen our (self) empathy & compassion, connection and sense of community - as we share ourselves through healthy self-expression, in alignment with our core values and aspirations. Everyone is welcome! Bring your friends & family. *Very affordable! Join us regularly or drop in.

“Children don’t get traumatized because they get hurt, they get traumatized because they’re alone with the hurt.” – Dr. Gabor Mate, Physician & Trauma and Addiction Expert

SO - how do we stop this crisis of isolation? Is it even possible? I believe it is! One heart, one soul at a time. The antidote? CONNECTION.

CLICK for MORE INFO or to Register

Want to learn more about the 

SOUL-to-SOUL Sessions

RSVP below with your NAME & EMAIL to receive a free recording of the March 3 Intro

Facilitated by Deb Chamberlin - Singer-Songwriter, Coach of the Creative Process and Creator of The Awakened Artist: Courses~Coaching~Community

Welcome to our global community of Awakened Artists and Conscious Creators.
We are part of a collective evolution of consciousness around the world … choosing love over fear, compassion over judgment, connection over isolation - as we seek to make a more loving world through the universal language of creating.
As a creator - you are the bridge between the non-physical and the physical worlds. You bring to life what lies within each of us, often hidden in the shadows of our mind, longing to be seen, heard and known. To awaken. 

You make the Soul tangible. 

Through private coaching, courses & community, The Awakened Artist will help you access your power to create and thrive – in your art, in your life and in the world. 
And together, as a community of Conscious Creators, we will help shift the collective consciousness of our world toward the tipping point of Love & Compassion.

You have the SOUL OF AN ARTIST... seeing beauty and possibility in a world that often feels unsafe, oppressive, hopeless.  

Whether you're creating art or the masterpiece of your own life, you-the-creator are influencing the world around you, all the time...with your thoughts, words, actions...bringing things into being. Sometimes things you want. Sometimes things you don't want. How can you become more consistent in creating what you want?

The natural principles of the creative process are universal, and like gravity, they are always at play, whether you are aware of them or not. Deepening your understanding of these universal principles gives you more competence in bringing to life the things you value and aspire to most. You become a more conscious creator of your art and your life. And you waste less time going down blind alleys or repeating unworkable patterns.

As you become more attuned with your own creative power, your outer and inner worlds align...and your life becomes a beautiful expression of your soul's desires. Like a tuning fork, your creations resonate with others, creating a ripple effect as you become the change (love ~ compassion ~ joy ~ freedom ~ peace ~ acceptance) you wish to see in the world... Stop hoping, procrastinating, avoiding… and start living and creating the life that matters most to you. 


YOUR Voice Matters!

Education + Practice = Powerful Creating

The Awakened Artist Courses, Coaching and Community offer you a safe space to learn and practice the Universal Laws of Creative Intelligence… The Power that creates universes & all of life! These laws are not reserved for mystics or elitists. 

The POWER TO CREATE is your birthright!

If you are ready to express your fullest potential as a powerful Conscious Creator of your art, your relationships, your life... and to apply the natural principles of the creative process in a very practical way to manifest the life of your dreams - please consider being part of The Awakened Artist Community - and working with Deb through private coaching or in group classes & workshops (in person & on zoom).

Next Awakened Artist SOULtuning Course & Conscious Creator Course:

Coming in 2023 on ZOOM (click for more info)

EMAIL DEB  to schedule a FREE 20-minute consultation to see how The Awakened Artist SOULtuning Course, The Conscious Creator Course, or private coaching can benefit you. 

NYC Singer-Songwriter Ivy Landsman talks w/Deb about how The Awakened Artist Courses helped her start living her Dream Life!

The Awakened Artist Offerings


Awakening is a lifelong work-in-progress. These beautiful courses (offered on Zoom, in person & self-study formats) are powerful catalysts to support you in expressing the fullest creative potential of your life and reaching for your highest destiny as an artist and creative spirit. 


Align your energy on all levels (emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically) with your soul’s creative calling, and clear out negative or unwanted energy patterns – so that you can connect fully with your power & move from surviving to thriving in your art & in your life. In person or on ZOOM.  


A bi-monthly meet-up (on ZOOM) for support, personal growth, healing and creative self-expression. Deepen CONNECTION & COMMUNITY. Groups for Adults & Young Adults.


Singing technique & song performance coaching – AND – Songwriting coaching. In person (Phila/South Jersey area) or on ZOOM. Private & Group Sessions.

$10 - Instant Digital Download (Check Inbox/Spam for link to cd download.)

Deb Chamberlin's cd -SONGS FOR THE SOUL- 11 beautiful songs, written and performed by Deb, that will calm your mind and soothe your soul. Preview here:

To Sample or Purchase any of Deb's other 4 original CD's - please visit

$15 - CD - Includes FREE Domestic Shipping / USA only - Be sure to include mailing address in Paypal notes

What Awakened Artists Want You to Know …

This was probably the most spot on and magical card ‘reading’ I’ve ever had…and spot on for exactly what has been happening in my life. It felt like a higher power was communicating a message to me. It started a new sense of self-trust.

A. Gray – Engineering PhD Student, Sweden

Deb’s approach with the cards is a wonderful way to pinpoint, guide, re-calibrate and get in touch with who I am and what I have to do to be a singer who sings from my soul.

Sara Newman – Singer , Actress, Dancer, Playwright, NYC

I’ve always considered myself to be an awakened human being…Doing the Awakened Artist work…created so many deep shifts in my view of myself and life that may have otherwise taken me years to reach. ..I feel so much more open to have ALL of my dreams now, instead of feeling like I have to put some on hold…I’m starting to soften in my body and mind, allowing myself to feel more of my vulnerable side as I trust that my life is unfolding for my highest good.

Maytal Angel – NYC Actress

I had the extreme pleasure of receiving a card reading and some energy clearing sessions from Deb that catalyzed in me a deep, soulful healing so directly that it was as if a brilliant light penetrated my heart, exposing those deeply hidden things that were creating barriers to my own happiness…I was able to see my way into a whole new trajectory for my life and my life’s work.

Jan Healy – RN, Palliative Care Specialist, Medium

With Deb’s grounded, compassionate guidance I was gently led out of lifelong patterns of inner confusion and darkness, gradually freeing myself from the oppression of fear and shame… Miracles instantly began to show up in my life…I was ready to break my inner glass ceiling of struggle…and in doing this work with Deb, I accomplished the ‘impossible’… as I step into a leadership role for the first time in my professional life…The world needs more awakened artists!

Nina Bell – Waldorf Educator, Fashion Designer & Creator of Magdalene Laundry

After a session with Deb, I always see things more clearly and I’m empowered to move forward with more freedom and confidence. I never hold back with Deb because she listens with compassion…I have become a confident and inspired photographer, mom and human being…beyond what I ever saw possible for myself.

Julie Johnson – Photographer

Deb has proven herself to be…a loving, nurturing mentor…a navigator who brought the wind to my sail, pointing me due North in the right direction where I was once rudderless.

Whitney Daniels, Singer-Songwriter, Writer, Yoga Teacher, Massage Therapist

I have made remarkable progress in my journey since working with Deb. Lots of major breakthroughs and miraculous forward movement…in several areas of my life that felt ‘stuck’ including my writing. Her Awakened Artist coaching sessions…are life changing!

Claire Lopez – Writer, Healer and Author of “Class Letters”

I’m learning to be there for myself…I’m still me, but now I am reaching for my dreams as a more integrated human being…My little girl self and I have become a team. I love life and life is loving me back.

Ivy Landsman – RN, Singer-Songwriter, Writer, NYC

Before my sessions with Deb I was hiding myself from the world…she cured me of my deep self-hatred and gave me the tools to work through the tough spots in a way I had never before been able to do on my own…Deb got me over the main issue that was pulling me down in my life.

Laurie Webb (LollieVox) – Musician & Artist

The ‘soul sessions’ with Deb have been illuminating, literally shining a light on the mysterious obstacles to (my) creative success… It is truly as though I have new eyes and ears… The work Deb does is aptly named for I truly feel like the creative light that only I can bring to the world is no longer eclipsed by the black cloud of brokenness.

Kali Tennis – Actor, Writer

Deb is incredibly wise and intuitive…she has complete understanding of the creative process one goes through and provides compassion and deep understanding as well as helpful and constructive advice.

Sherry Giang – Intuitive Writer and Artist

The Course has been invaluable for me as a person and has helped the artist in me begin to bloom as well. Now I have peace of mind, confidence and drive. Thank you, Deb!!!

Magdalena Colton – Retired Nurse Midwife, Santa Fe NM

The Course offered an opportunity to open my heart and listen deeply. I am happy to report my courage for creative inquiry is renewed…My new mantra is ‘success inevitable.’

Kali Tennis – Actor, Writer